Liberate Yourself from Judgment

Judgment acts as a barrier to love, yet curiosity stands as a powerful antidote. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

In the dance of life, judgment often emerges as a silent saboteur, casting shadows of suffering on my path. The act of passing judgment, whether directed toward myself or others, fosters an atmosphere of negativity, hindering personal growth and genuine connections. How does judgment impact your life? When judgment takes hold, what sensations ripple through your body?

In my recent TEDx talk (which will be released in January), I explored the profound truth that real tenderness cannot coexist with judgment. Judgment acts as a barrier to love, yet curiosity stands as a powerful antidote.

For 2024, my intention is elegantly simple: BE LOVE. I'm trying to embrace love through curiosity in the year ahead. I invite you to join me on this journey to release the chains of judgment and envision the embodied love that awaits. The moment judgment arrives, let's lean further into curiosity in order to foster love and nurture compassion, keeping these steps as a guide:

Let us cultivate a curiosity-led approach, and remember that the true measure of our humanity lies in our capacity to embrace each other, flaws and all.

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

May this path lead us to a profound sense of love and peace this December and beyond.



As we stand at the threshold of a new year in the Gregorian calendar, we're presented with a canvas of fresh possibilities and rekindled aspirations. In the spirit of stepping into new beginnings and crafting purposeful intentions for the upcoming year, I extend this Guided Intention Setting Practice. May it stand as a source of inspiration, accompanying you on your journey of intentional living throughout 2024.

This practice, alongside various guided  exercises, is featured in UC Berkeley's SEL Foundations course. If you're an educator based in California, I highly encourage you to explore enrollment in this graduate-level course, offered at no cost. Having been part of the Course Development team and serving as one of the instructors, I can attest to the honor it has been to contribute to this enriching educational experience.


Slowing Down this Season with Intention and Care

As we mark five years of our family's weekly tech sabbath, we're extending the practice with a mini-sabbatical in Australia from December 15th to January 12th. We'll visit friends, practice mindfulness, explore new places but most of all WE WILL REST. 

Inspired by Tricia Hersey's work and my own spiritual lineage, I see rest not just as a personal choice but a collective act of defiance. I encourage you to create your own sabbath, finding moments for rejuvenation, reflection, and connection.

Recognizing the societal tendency to overlook the value of rest, consider:

  • What small steps can you take to prioritize rest in your daily routine?
  • How can you intentionally create moments for reflection amidst the holiday rush?

Wishing you a joyous holiday season filled with restful moments and meaningful connections. Best wishes from my family to you!

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