How can you experience Deep Time this year?

Did you know that the average human lifespan is approximately 4,000 weeks? So, at my age I may have 2,000 weeks left and given that, I’ve become more curious about how I experience time vs. all the “time hacks” our productivity obsessed culture seems ultra-focused on. This has led me to explore what Father Richard Rohr calls Deep Time, or the fullness of time. 

The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos, which is quantitative like clock time (chronological) and kairos, which is more qualitative--soul time. 

Mindfulness practices can cultivate our capacity to first recognize and then live more in Deep Time. Young children are also great teachers of Deep Time

As we move through 2023, I’m committed to experiencing more kairos time and not just when I’m in nature or connecting on a soul level with friends, colleagues or loved ones. Really being with my breath, my senses and truly inhabiting my body and being as often as I can are the easiest ways I can live more in Deep Time. 

How can you experience more moments of Deep Time in 2023?

Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings on the Art of Mindful Living have been the greatest portal to access more moments of Deep Time in my life and it fills me with great joy to share that I joined the Board of the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation and vow to do whatever I can in this new role to foster peace, transform suffering and work towards collective liberation through engaged mindfulness. 

There are also two upcoming events I’d love to share with you all, The Spirit of SEL Symposium and the Being Well Parenting Well Series. More details below.

Love, Meena


Music is another way I drop into Deep Time. If you ask, "What music is alive in your heart right now?" My answer would be the music of Beautiful Chorus. Their high frequency love music feels like the soundtrack of my soul. If you have spotify you can listen to some of my favorite tunes hereMay this music bathe your spirit in beauty and grace, like a loving embrace.

Upcoming Events

Join myself, Ashanti Branch, Marianne Williamson, Bessel van der Kolk and many more for The Spirit of SEL Online Symposium from February 11-12.


Grateful to also be part of this FREE parenting series featuring Rhonda Magee, Rick Hanson, Dan Siegel and Chris Willard, sponsored by Millennium School.

FREE session on Mindful Parenting

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